Galerie Chantal Crousel is pleased to present its summer exhibition, Bande à Part, offering a selection of videos by artists of the gallery that were not or scarcely presented to the public before. Four monitors invite the spectator to navigate through the works. One can follow the program, or chose one’s own trajectory. Around the small monitors, video installations charge the space according to their proper disposition: I by Claire Fontaine shows a plasma screen lying on the ground, Soleil Noir by Jean-Luc Moulène is visualized on a surveillance camera, the subtitles of Seth Price’s audio work Language Lesson are projected on the floor, and finally Nr 24 mit 1 Skulptur by Heimo Zobernig shows a vaguely human figure emerging out of the projection and inciting the spectator to immerse fully into the video. 


A video projections will be organised the first three Saturdays following the opening on:

June 29, 2013: Abraham Cruzvillegas, Autoconstrucción 
July 6, 2013: Sean Snyder, Exhibition
July 13, 2013: Melik Ohanian, White Wall Travelling

